Sukhoi has delivered a new batch of Su-34 frontline bombers to the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation as part of the 2015 state defence order.
According to the company, the new aircraft took off from the V.P.Chkalov Novosibirsk Aircraft Plant’s airfield.
Sukhoi, the subsidiary of United Aircraft Corporation, has secured contracts to deliver Su-34s for Russia up to the year 2020, guaranteeing a stable work load for the company.
Powered by a twin Lyulka AL-31FM1 turbofan engine, the Su-34 aircraft has an increased flight range of up to 4,000km, a maximum speed of up to 1,900km/h and an 8 tonne payload.
A two-seat derivative of the swing-wing Su-27 fighter, the Su-34 features a new weapon system and an air refuelling system, the company stated.
With a range of airborne munitions, including high-precision types, the aircraft is capable of engaging a range of land-based, sea and airborne targets in all weather conditions and any visibility levels.
In addition, it features a long-range aiming system, a modern on-board communication, an information exchange system and a complex survival system.
It also has an armoured cockpit and an active safety system, in addition to the new computers to manoeuvre and perform accurate bombing when under enemy attack.
The transfer of Su-34 aircraft comes after Sukhoi delivered a batch of Su-34 and Su-35S fighters to the Russian Air Force in July.
Image: The Russian Air Force’s Su-34 frontline bomber. Photo: courtesy of Oleg V. Belyakov AirTeamImages.