In recognition of the vital role space-based assets will play in global security, the European Defence Agency and the European Space Agency joined forces earlier this year. In this issue we investigate if the alignment of military and civilian resources can boost Europe’s space-based defence technology sector and help the region to become a leader in space, against a backdrop of fierce international competition.
We also speak to EDA experts about the future of milsatcom in times of widespread budget cuts, and find out which role commercial satellites will play in the development of a European milsatcom infrastructure.
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Other highlights from this month’s issue include:
Challenging combat environments, budget cuts and technological progress are shaping the design of new army vehicles. With invisibility and full autonomy among the capabilities vaunted for the future, we take a look at emerging technologies. We also explore the latest developments in wheel and track technology for vehicles and robots.
Read more in the army section of this issue.
Air Force
The increased use of armed drones has raised concerns about the ethics of remotely controlled aerial attacks. We investigate the issue and find out if military rules of engagement can keep pace with the rapidly developing technology. We also take a look at the next generation of attack aircraft.
Read more in the air force section of this issue.
Despite recent major breakthroughs, the US Navy’s next-generation laser and rail gun research projects have lost funding this year. We explore the two promising development programmes and find out where their cancellation leaves the navy with a view to future battlefield requirements. We also trace the troubled trajectory of Russia’s Bulava programme to see if the missile will emerge successfully from a recent string of test failures.
Read more in the navy section of this issue.
Next Issue
In a time of widespread concern about international terrorism, security forces are acutely aware of the potential threats posed by CBRNe attacks. We find out how military forces are preparing to respond to such threats.
We also explore the latest small arms projects and night vision systems. Looking back at the use of close air support in 2011, we find out what lessons can be learned for future conflicts. Finally, we take a look into the future of navies, exploring key tasks in modern naval operations and new technology programmes.
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