Global Defence Technology: Issue 37 March 2014

The shape of ground warfare is set to change radically over the next few decades under the influence of factors as diverse as climate change, changing population demographics and new sources of energy. We find out about the major drivers of conflict to 2040 and explore new military technologies that could come to the fore during that time.

We also investigate new cyber threats against military satellite systems, take a look at the next generation of radically designed helicopters that can fly higher and faster than ever, and even without a pilot, and profile the world’s best main battle tanks and aerial refuelling tankers. Moreover, we find out how the largest-ever archaeological offshore map of the D-Day beaches was created and review stunning footage of sunken allied vessels off the Normandy coast.

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In this issue

The Enemy Within
Hackers are finding new ways of bypassing security measures. Berenice Baker asks cyber experts about new threats presented by hijacking internal servers and data leaks by authorised employees.
Click here to read the full article.

Satellites and Spoofing
The result of cyber attacks against military systems can be far more severe than the financial, data and service loss experienced in commercial systems, potentially putting lives at risk. Berenice Baker explores the phenomenon of ‘spoofing’ – a new type of cyber attack used to falsify situational awareness information in military C4I systems.
Click here to read the full article.

Marching Forward
The shape of ground warfare is set to change radically over the next few decades. Berenice Baker asks Rear Admiral Chris Parry about the major drivers of conflict to 2040 and new military technologies.
Click here to read the full article.

Top Tanks
Since the Cold War main battle tanks have evolved from being simple and light into heavy and highly mobile machines with advanced weaponry and countermeasures.
Click here to read the full article.

Vertical Lift: A New Era
A new generation of radically designed helicopters can fly higher and faster than ever before – with or without a pilot. Grant Turnbull takes a closer look.
Click here to read the full article.

Super Tankers
Aerial refuelling aircraft are strategic assets for any armed force, allowing fighter jets and reconnaissance aircraft to do their job for longer. We profile the world’s biggest and most effective refuelling tankers by fuel payload capacity.
Click here to read the full article.

Hidden History
The largest archaeological offshore map of the D-Day beaches ever created marks the 70th anniversary of the D-Day landings. Grant Turnbull finds out more from Chris Howlett of the UK Hydrographic Office.
Click here to read the full article.

Exposing D-Day
A unique expedition to map sunken allied vessels off the Normandy Coast has revealed stunning images never seen before. Grant Turnbull and Chris Howlett of the UK Hydrographic Office give us a guided tour of the wrecks beneath the waves.
Click here to read the full article.

Next issue preview

Security concerns for the Sochi Winter Olympics in Russia were even higher than those for London in 2012. We review what security measures were put in place and whether they can be considered a success.

We also examine the nuclear arsenal owned by key nations around the world, take a look at the booming biometrics market and review technological innovation that came out of urgent operational requirements during the conflicts
in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Moreover, we investigate emerging threats against military satellites and the most effective measures to protect such vital networks, and explore shifts of power and the increased naval procurement activity in the Asia Pacific region.

Don’t miss our robotics and unmanned systems special issue out on 27 March!

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