Airbus Helicopters has received contracts from the Brazilian Armed Forces and the Mexican Air Force to maintain their H225M fleets.

The two militaries have opted for the company’s HCare Smart by-the-hour maintenance programmes.

Under the contract, the company will provide fully customised service for the fleets that will cover material support for all scheduled and unscheduled maintenance to deliver enhanced aircraft availability.

Airbus will deliver services for the Brazilian Armed Forces’ entire 50 H225Ms, which are being procured as part of the H-XBR programme signed by the company with the Brazilian Ministry of Defense in 2008.

Of the total 50 aircraft on order, 30 have already been delivered to the Brazilian Army, Navy and Air Force.

The contract with the Mexican Air Force involves delivering comprehensive support for 11 H225M aircraft that are currently in operational service.

Airbus Helicopters Latin America senior vice-president Mesrob Karalekian said: “Fleet availability and control of maintenance cost is particularly key for military customers.

“We are very confident that HCare Smart PBH is the most adapted and cost-effective service package today.”

“I thank the Brazilian and Mexican Armed forces for their renewed confidence.

“Offering innovative and quality support solutions to our customers is a priority for Airbus Helicopters and we are very confident that HCare Smart PBH is the most adapted and cost-effective service package today.”

With Airbus Helicopters’ HCare Material Management programme, customers can benefit from a higher fleet availability and budget control.

The programme helps ensure an improved spare parts service for the customer, as well as repair and overhaul services. It also enables customer management and planning, along with restructured logistical and administrative flow.