ELTA Systems has signed a cooperation agreement with Brazilian firm Embraer Defense & Security to introduce the P600 Airborne Early Warning (AEW) aircraft.
The next-generation aircraft is based on Embraer’s Praetor 600 super mid-size business jet.
The agreement was signed at the Paris Air Show and requires the Brazilian company to provide air platform, ground support, communications systems and aircraft integration.
Israel Aerospace Industries (IAI) subsidiary ELTA will provide the AEW radar, signals intelligence (SIGINT), other electronic systems and system integration.
The partners intend to target customers in a new segment of the AEW market.
The P600 AEW will have the IAI/ELTA fourth-generation digital active electronically scanned array (AESA) radar as its primary sensor. The radar will be equipped with integrated IFF capabilities.
Embraer noted that the aircraft will meet the need for intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance capabilities for countries that intend to procure cost-effective solutions for defence and homeland security missions.
Embraer Defense & Security president and CEO Jackson Schneider said: “This aircraft delivers superior performance and flexibility that translates into the greatest value proposition in its category.
“It can be easily configured to match the customer needs and it can perform a wide variety of missions in a very efficient and cost-effective way.”
Launched in October, the Embraer Praetor 600 business jet has intercontinental range and possesses high payload capability.
The P600 AEW will be able to deliver capabilities that are available on much larger platforms, the company added.
ELTA Systems president Yoav Tourgeman said: “As part of IAI’s new strategy, we are ramping up our collaborations with global business entities, leveraging the know-how and technology accumulated over decades of aerospace and defence operations.
“Our partnership, forged with Embraer Defense & Security, enables us to introduce a new market segment by offering a cost-effective mid-size bizjet AEW system.”
The AEW system is designed to provide an extended air situational picture to operators by monitoring aerial activity in areas not covered by ground radar.
Furthermore, the aircraft has the ability to carry out a range of missions, including air defence, early warning, command and control, fighter fleet efficiency, territorial defence, and maritime surveillance.
The P600 AEW can also be configured with the fourth-generation digital AESA AEW radar, civil and military IFF, ESM/ELINT with radar warning receiver capability, and command & control.