General Atomics Aeronautical Systems (GA-ASI) and CP Technologies have partnered to design and develop the US Air Force’s (USAF) Portable Aircraft Control Station (PACS).
The project seeks to produce and field a Ruggedised Aircraft Maintenance Test Station (RAMTS) replacement in the form of a laptop.
The PACS system is a rugged, compact system, which can carry out all ‘connect aircraft pre and post-flight operations and engine functions’.
The self-contained and ruggedised portable system and software operate on commercial off-the-shelf components.
It comprises three 24in touchscreen displays with Intel XEON processors with improved human interface capability.
CP Technologies said that its ‘expeditionary workstations’ provide a platform for high-speed processing capabilities in a ‘mobile military-grade system’.
According to GA-ASI, the PACS system provides a compact and cost-effective solution for Air Force.
CP Technologies and CP Systems vice-president Mark Kempf said: “Our expertise in designing, fabricating and integrating highly versatile expeditionary workstations makes us an attractive industry partner to serve the military, industrial and commercial markets.
“The long-term support we offer for our products via revision control, componentry road mapping, configuration management, and our standard five-year warranty also provides us with a unique competitive advantage.”
Combined with automatic take-off and landing capability (ATLC), the PACS system can replace the full-size ground control station at the launch and recovery site. The ATLC capability is already fielded on MQ-9A aircraft.