Hellenic Aerospace Industry (HAI) has announced that it has delivered the 1,500th regulated assembly for the C-130J transport aircraft to Lockheed Martin (LM) Aeronautics.

HAI manufactures the regulated assemblies as part of the C-130J Hercules major structural parts programme.

The company is the sole source supplier for Lockheed Martin customers around the world.

An event was conducted to mark the milestone delivery and Lockheed Martin announced the re-opening of F-16 aircraft production line.

HAI stated that it is conducting the assembly of structural components for the F-16 fighter aircraft.

HAI board of directors chairman Zacharias Gkikas said: “The 45 years of HAI history has proven that Lockheed Martin is the most valuable strategic partner of HAI due to its continuous cooperation for the establishment, infrastructure and technology transfer providing new manufacturing capabilities for aerospace material and aircraft upgrades.

“I would like to express my compliments to all the personnel of HAI that is working very hard in this facility. Also, I would like to thank the LM team for its valuable assistance and excellent relationship.”

In 2015, HAI and Lockheed Martin signed a contract worth $72m for the extension of the C-130J Super Hercules aircraft co-production programme, which started in 2009.

The agreement paved the way for HAI to continue to manufacture and assemble major structural parts of the C-130J aircraft through 2019.

The military aircraft is operated by 21 operators in 18 nations on five continents. It can fly at an altitude of 22,000ft and achieve a maximum speed of 410mph.