Lockheed Martin has delivered the final AN/AAQ-39 targeting system full-production unit to the US Air Force.
Q-39 is the electro-optical / infrared targeting system for the US Air Force Special Operations Command AC-130U Gunship, and modifies combat-proven gunship multispectral sensor system.
The AN/AAQ-39 features a new solid-state, three-colour laser designator and software enhancements that are integrated into a highly stabilised turret to ensure image quality and highly accurate line-of-sight pointing for gunfire control.
Lockheed Missiles and Fire Control business senior programme manager Joseph Butera said: “The Q-39 provides improved positive combat identification for AC-130U aviators. Precision fire control allows warfighters to confidently engage threats at safe stand-off ranges and return safely to base.”
The US Air Force awarded the follow-on contract for Q-39 prime mission equipment to Lockheed in July 2008.