Boeing has selected graphical user interface software provider The DiSTI Corporation to upgrade the Royal Australian Air Force (RAAF) F/A-18E Super Hornet Integrated Visual Environment Maintenance Trainers (IVEMT).

The upgrade includes the addition of two new aircraft variants, the F/A-18F and EA-18G, upgrades to a newer version of the aircraft Operational Flight Program (OFP), and incorporation of several aircraft configuration changes, DiSTI said.

The two F/A-18E IVEMTs currently used by the RAAF, were delivered in 2010 and 2011, and support the training of over 650 operational level maintenance tasks.

The models support training in avionics, navigation, communication, radar, fuel, hydraulics, ECS, power plant, electrical, armament, landing gear, flight controls, arresting hook, and brakes.

"These upgrades will ensure that the training devices stay current with the operational fleet while enhancing the overall training experience by utilising the latest technology from DiSTI."

Based on DiSTI’s VE Studio, the virtual environment application integrates with Boeing’s aircraft simulation software, operational flight programme, and Instructor Operation Station.

The DiSTI Corporation CEO Joseph Swinski said: "We are pleased to provide continued support to Boeing, the US Navy, and the RAAF, for the Super Hornet.

"These upgrades will ensure that the training devices stay current with the operational fleet while enhancing the overall training experience by utilising the latest technology from DiSTI."

The installations are scheduled to be completed in November 2016.

The new virtual environment technology upgrades will use DiSTI’s Lumen runtime engine to enhance the visual appearance of the system.

DiSTI is also developing a virtual maintenance trainer (VMT) for the US Army’s UH-72A Lakota helicopter.

The $4.4m contract received in April includes the development of 12 interactive student workstations with a networked Instructor station, an additional ‘hanger’ workstation to be collocated with a hardware-based trainer, and a ‘reach-back’ training capability to deploy virtual training content on hand-held mobile devices.