The US-led coalition forces Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve has entered the second phase in its fight against ISIS in Iraq and Syria.

The second phase will include three operational approaches, coalition-enabled pressure on ISIS to isolate Raqqah in Syria, isolating and eventually recapturing Mosul in Iraq and stabilising Iraq’s Anbar province.

USAF colonel Patrick Ryder said: "Manbij pocket near the Mara line is ISIL’s last route to move people, money and supplies into Syria and Iraq, and the territory continue to go back and forth.

"Operations are working to isolate Raqqah from Mosul and deny ISIL freedom of movement between the two important cities."

"This will be one of the most difficult fights going forward.

"Operations are working to isolate Raqqah from Mosul and deny ISIL freedom of movement between the two important cities."

Currently, the Iraqi security forces are working with local tribes to clear the Euphrates River Valley and hold liberated territory in the Hit and Hadithah corridor.

Monitoring group Airwars reported that the airstrikes by the US-led coalition as part of Operation Inherent Resolve have killed more than 23,000 ISIS fighters in the past 530 days of the campaign.

So far, the US, Australia, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France, Jordan, the Netherlands and the UK, have conducted strikes in Iraq.

Meanwhile, the US, Australia, Bahrain, Canada, France, Jordan, Saudi Arabia, Turkey, the UAE and the UK have conducted strikes in Syria.