The US Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) has notified Congress of two potential foreign military sales (FMS) of various munitions and associated equipment as well as support services to Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
According to the first estimated $6.8bn sale, Saudi Arabia has requested the supply of 650 AGM-84H standoff land attack missiles-expanded response, 973 AGM-154c joint stand off weapons (JSOW), 400 AGM-84L Harpoon Block II missiles, 1,000 GBU-39/B small diameter bombs (SDB), 40 CATM-84H captive air training missiles and 20 ATM-84H SLAM-ER telemetry missiles.
The package also includes four dummy air training missiles, 60 AWW-13 data link pods, ten JSOW CATMs, 40 Harpoon CATMs, 20 ATM-84L harpoon exercise missiles, 36 SDB captive flight and load build trainers, containers, mission planning, integration support and testing and munitions storage security and training.
Saudi Arabia is also seeking spares and weapon operational flight program software development, transportation, tools and test equipment, support equipment, spare and repair parts, publications and technical documentation, personnel training and training equipment as well as other associated elements of logistics and programme support.
The potential munitions sale will improve the Saudi Arabia Air Force’s effectiveness and interoperability as well as its ability to meet current and future regional threats.
Saudi Arabia had signed a letter of offer and acceptance (LOA) in December 2011, to acquire 84 new and 70 refurbished F-15SA multi-role fighter aircraft and associated weapons.
Although the new munitions request is separate and distinct, the armaments will be used for the F-15SA aircraft.
Under the second estimated $90m sale, the US will provide support services to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia Ministry of Defense for three years.
The proposed support services sale will provide the continuation of US Military Training Mission (USMTM) services to Saudi Arabia.
The Security Cooperation Organization (SCO), USMTM is responsible for identifying, planning, and executing US security cooperation training and advisory support for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Defense.
Prime contractors for the first sale include Boeing, Raytheon in Indianapolis, Indiana and Raytheon in Tucson, Arizona, US.