The Royal Australian Air Force’s (RAAF) E-7A Wedgetail aircraft has participated and demonstrated its capabilities during Exercise Pacific Edge 21.

The airborne early warning and control (AEW&C) aircraft deployed to the US in April. It took part in the multi-faceted, air-combat exercise with other partners in Hawaii, US.

During the exercise, the aircraft provided airborne early warning support to aviators in the 199th and 19th Fighter Squadrons, which are the associate units of the Hawaii Air National Guard (HIANG) and operate the F-22A Raptor aircraft.

The F-16 Fighting Falcons from 442nd Training and Evaluation Squadron (TES) took on the adversarial role during the exercise.

This scenario offered an opportunity for Wedgetail to play a crucial role by providing its airspace battle management capabilities while allowing other platforms to practise an array of combat encounters.

Detachment commander squadron leader Derek Cox said: “Exercise Pacific Edge provided a key opportunity to integrate with allied capabilities to test, evaluate and fine-tune our tactics, focusing on F-22 and E-7 integration against advanced threats.

“The E-7 demonstrated its ability to deliver that force multiplier effect for allied nations as it can share information with other coalition aircraft, providing the joint force with situational awareness to command, control and co-ordinate a joint air, sea and land battle in real time.”

Wedgetail is equipped with long-range surveillance radar, secondary radar, passive detection surveillance receivers, tactical and strategic voice and data communications systems.

The E-7A Wedgetail is operated by RAAF’s No 2 Squadron based at RAAF Base Williamtown.