The Republic of Korea Air Force (ROKAF) and the US Air Force (USAF) have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to enhance base security.

The MoU is to ensure improved security at USAF’s Osan Air Base (AB) in South Korea.

The agreement was signed between commanders of USAF’s 51st Mission Support Group (MSG) and ROKAF’s Operations Command Service & Support Group on 8 April.

It is expected to improve coordination between the USAF 51st Security Forces Squadron and the ROKAF’s Military Police Squadron (MPS) deployed at Osan AB.

The agreement also aims to provide safety to the personnel deployed at or near the AB.

ROKAF Operations Command Service & Support Group commander colonel Soon Tae Kim said: “I think today’s ceremony will be momentous so we can work together to protect Osan [AB] and to prepare for all of the operations we do together.”

In 2016, a similar MoU was signed for base security, which included only three or four pages of procedures.

The latest agreement includes more than 50 pages and covers details of quality control, force protection conditions, and even Covid-19 safety measures.

This will allow the ROKAF MPS to use the Defence Biometric Identification System (DBIDS).

The installation will also increase the security and communication using frequent database updates on changes to credential status, lost or stolen cards, law enforcement warrants and force protection conditions.

51st Mission Support Group commander colonel E Jonelle Eychner said: “The teaming and communication, dual posting at our entry control points, and working through security challenges to ensure our aircraft, service members and their families are safe and secure the base.”