The US State Department has approved a foreign military sale, valued at an estimated $4.92bn, involving the E-7 Airborne Early Warning & Control (AEW&C) aircraft to South Korea.
The principal contractor for the sale is Boeing.
The deal aims to bolster South Korea’s capabilities in intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (ISR), and airborne early warning and control capabilities.
The Republic of Korea has requested four E-7 AEW&C aircraft. The sale also includes ten CFM56 jet engines, seven guardian laser transmitter assemblies, eight LAIRCM system processor replacements, ten GPS/INS systems with M-Code receivers, and six MIDS JTRS TTNT radio systems.
In addition, the sale comprises various non-major defence equipment items such as AN/ARC-210 radios, radar warning receivers, ALE-47 countermeasure dispensers, communications gear, precision navigation, spare parts, and related logistics and support elements.
The inclusion of these systems is designed to enhance the interoperability of the Republic of Korea Air Force with US forces.
This move aligns with US foreign policy goals and national security objectives in the Indo-Pacific region.
The proposed sale is not expected to alter the basic military balance in the region but will provide South Korea with increased security against current and future threats.
In September 2024, Boeing completed the first functional flight of the UK’s E-7 Wedgetail, marking a milestone in the Royal Air Force’s AEW&C programme.
The latest announcement comes at a time of tensions in the Indo-Pacific region, following North Korea’s launch of at least seven short-range ballistic missiles.
The launches, which took place on Tuesday 5 November 2024, from Sariwon, North Hwanghae Province, reached an altitude of 100km and covered a range of 400km, falling outside Japan’s exclusive economic zone.
The US military, in close consultation with South Korea, Japan, and other regional allies, continues to monitor the situation.
In October 2024, North Korea tested its new solid-fuel intercontinental ballistic missile dubbed Hwasong-19.