CONTROP has recently been awarded a prestigious prize from Technologies for Technological Innovation in Aerospace for development of the STAMP family of Stabilized Miniature Payloads for small UAVs.
This prize was awarded in recognition and appreciation for CONTROP’s contribution to the success of the STAMP project and its significant contribution to national security. The STAMP family incorporates a wide range of miniature stabilized payloads mainly developed for mini tactical UAVs.
Prior to this, CONTROP’s Stabilized Miniature Payloads – the STAMPs, were selected by the Israeli Ministry of Defense (MOD) as the Sole Supplier – the only EO/IR payloads for the Israeli tactical SUAV Sky Rider Program. The STAMP payloads are operational in Israel and worldwide onboard a large variety of different SUAVs and VTOLs.
Hundreds of CONTROP’s STAMPs, including the new M-STAMP – a gyro stabilized Multi Sensor Payload for small UAVs and small A/C – were recently procured by a European country for a large scale SUAV program. The M-STAMP has a CCD with Continuous Zoom Lens, Uncooled IR Camera with Dual FOV Lens and Laser Pointer. A future option for this revolutionary payload will be the Uncooled IR Camera with Continuous Optical Zoom Lens.
The M-STAMP payload with multiple cameras has already been provided to satisfied customers in Europe and the USA as well as others due to its proven quality and reliability.
CONTROP is also presenting an operating HD-STAMP camera payload – the first and only known high-definition gyro stabilized camera for small UAVs. The new HD-STAMP provides new opportunities for SUAVs, including surveying of power lines and other requirements where a high definition image is required.