
EXPAL highlights its more innovative solutions for air, land and sea armies at the International Air and Space exhibition (FIDAE) held in Santiago, Chile, between 3-8 April. The company has collaborated with Latin America’s armed forces for decades, providing the most suitable equipment for the development of their missions and the defence of their troops. EXPAL’s products and services are operative in more than ten countries within the area.

At this edition of FIDAE, in which EXPAL has now attended for 14 years, the company highlights its complete ammunition portfolio, which includes small, medium and large calibre ammunition, naval ammunition, as well as mortar systems and air armament. In addition, EXPAL shows its innovative proposal for combat engineers equipment and its global capabilities in demilitarisation services of obsolete munitions.

Based on the requirements of armed forces, EXPAL has developed a complete range of ‘high-performances’ field artillery ammunition for 105mm and 155mm-round calibres.

This ammunition, in service in Chilean Armed Forces, extends the ranges up to 20km and 40km respectively, with base bleed version. ‘High-performances’ family also includes high explosives, VIS or IR illuminants, and RP multispectral smoke.

For the navy, EXPAL manufactures 40mm and 76mm naval artillery ammunition in all its variants, as well as 5in / 127mm.

As part of the offer for Air Forces, EXPAL highlights in this exhibition its air armament portfolio. This proposal includes conventional ammunition, such as the family MK type in its 80 series, training bombs type MK-76, BDU-33 and MK-22, among others, as well as the BPG 2000 penetration bomb with an integrated precision-guided system. EXPAL integrates its air armament in the most important aerial platforms of the world.

Added to the ammunition offer, EXPAL shows at FIDAE its innovative solutions and latest developments for Combat Engineers, Special Operations Forces and EOD users with initiation systems, demolition charges and EOD. EXPAL develops these products based on providing maximum efficiency, the simplicity of operation and, above all, the safety of use.

As a result of the experience and knowledge in explosives and propellants, EXPAL manages the entire lifecycle of ammunition. From design, development, manufacture and maintenance, until its demilitarisation at the end of its lifecycle. EXPAL is a leader in demilitarisation services thanks to more than 40 years’ experience, capabilities and processes based on recovering, recycling and re-using 99% of the removed materials.